

Monday, December 26, 2011

Holidays and Technology

As a doctor at family gatherings, I am often asked numerous medical questions by family members each year which started during my first year of medical school. But now, as a technology entrepreneur, I get asked technology questions too. Over the holidays, one of the kid's iTouches met the toilet, and appeared to stop working. Tears quickly ensued in the 8 year old little girl's eyes until the 'technology family members' came to the rescue with the special instructions (which they searched for with their smartphones) to bring it back to life: low-grade heat and rice. The first Christmas miracle of the night pictured here.

The second Christmas miracle of the night came in the form of new interest in mobile technology from an older relative who still finds email intimidating. However, she's finding herself  now open to the idea of smartphones for their ease in sending pictures to her grandchildren. Mobile technology just feels more approachable to her than PCs, and now she may soon be purchasing an iPhone!

Smartphones and tablets dominated my family's and friend's wish lists this year so it wasn't a surprise to me that a lot of app shopping seemed to be occuring on Christmas day. I'm super excited to report that the EndoGoddess app picked up a batch of new customers thanks to all of those 'technology family members' in living rooms across the country on Christmas day!


  1. I love that your story showed how technology, sounds like specifically the Mac products, helped connect your family instead of digitally dividing it. Thanks for sharing this warm story with the rest of us!

    Happy Holidays!

  2. Thank you so much for your kind comment, happy new year! :)

  3. What an excellent story, especially for Christmas's in the future, sitting around a virtual 'fireplace'...TM
